
For His Glory - Mission and Vision:

Why: Rob Welch established For His Glory Ministries in 2006 to empower local churches and ministries worldwide to fulfill the final wishes of the Lord Jesus Christ that we be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Since the beginning of 2006, For His Glory has preached the Gospel to over 4 million people in twelve countries. Over 840,087 people have responded to the Gospel by publicly surrendering their lives to Christ and 259,421 have been trained in the Training for Trainers disciple-making model (T4T).

WHAT: The For His Glory model is revolutionary because it fosters unity among the local churches in a city through large evangelistic festivals, which creates a platform and catalyst for launching disciple-making movements that transform communities for Christ.

HOW: For His Glory empowers churches and ministries by training devoted followers of Jesus, called disciples, how to share their story about the difference Jesus has made in their lives with friends, family and neighbors and to teach others to do the same. We also flip the conventional model of making disciples from “grow then go” to “grow as you go For His Glory leverages the church unity created by large evangelistic festivals to launch the training platform we call the T4T discipleship model in local communities. This empowers churches to reproduce and to multiply their disciple-making efforts. We prepare every Jesus follower to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples who make disciples.

WHERE: For His Glory has introduced T4T in multiple countries including DR Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique, and the U.S. We help launch indigenous, self-perpetuating, disciple-making movements that are transforming the quality of life within these nations. Community Impact: In cities where large numbers of T4T disciple makers have been trained, we are receiving reports that jails are emptying, marriages are being saved, and the epidemics of crime and prostitution are evaporating.

Mission: To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and to equip and mobilize His Church to launch multiplying, disciple-making movements that transform nations for Christ

Vision: To launch disciple-making movements that transform nations for Christ in Africa, Asia, North America and beyond!